Project 3: Proposal Grade Expectations

Worth 14% of your course grade

You have the opportunity to aim for the grade you want to earn on Project 3. The options below outline what you need to do for the grade you want to receive. Note that if the submission is not a Google Drive document, I cannot provide any feedback.

Average Work
C project: Write a proposal that includes all the required components:

  • summary (p. 282–283)
  • introduction, which explains the findings of your research and your needs (p. 283)
  • proposed tasks, that is what you propose to create for Project 4 (p. 283–286)
  • task schedule (p. 287–289)
  • evaluation techniques (p. 289), outlines three levels of work for Project 4:
    • Average Work ( a C project)
    • Above-Average Work (a B project)
    • Excellent Work (an A project)

Your proposal should be complete, well-written, and include no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

C- project: A C project that has a few flaws in spelling, grammar, or punctuation, that has problems with sentence structure, OR that seems incomplete or underdeveloped.

C+ project: A C project that shows a bit more effort. Include complete documentation for the research that you have done by adding in-text references to your sources and a bibliography for the resources you consulted. Remember to document books and webpages along with interviews and email messages. You may use whatever format you are most familiar with (e.g., MLA, APA, IEEE). See Part A of Markel for help with bibliographic citation format.

Above-Average Work
B project: Complete the C+ project, and use layout and design to take your project to the next level. Use the information in Chapter 7 of Markel for help, like how to chunk your information and how to highlight important details. Your proposal should be free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

B- project: A B project that has one or two of the following problems: (1) a few flaws in spelling, grammar, or punctuation, (2) problems with sentence structure, or (3) seems incomplete or underdeveloped.

B+ project: A B project that shows a bit more effort. You might use page layout and headings to arrange the information in your proposal and make your proposal clear and easy to read. Do something to make your proposal stand out visually.

Excellent Work
A project: Complete the above-average (B+) project above, and add graphic elements to help communicate the details of your report. You might present your task schedule using one of the special formats explained in the textbook or find ways to incorporate graphs, tables, or other figures. Alternately, if appropriate for your plan, you might add an appendix with some “before” screenshots of an online profile and suggest how you might revise them the profile to make it more professional. Generally, add something to your proposal to provide some extra information, to demonstrate something about your plan visually, or to show how you plan to go about creating your job application materials for Project 4.

A- project: An A project that has one of the following problems: (1) one or two errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation, or (2) problems with sentence structure. Note: Any work that is incomplete or that contains multiple errors will not earn an A or an A-.

Professionalism Reality Check
As always, no grade is guaranteed. Your work needs to be error-free, fully-developed, and ready to share with the intended audience. Be sure to proofread your project before you submit it.