Using Google’s Spreadsheet Tool

If you have never worked with the spreadsheet tool in Google Drive before, please explore it a little bit today so that you can ask any questions you need to. You can set up your spreadsheet similar to the example, but feel free to add or change the column headings to fit the writing in your field.

I very strongly advise you to work in Google from the start on this project. Excel spreadsheets do not convert perfectly to Google, and you will ultimately end up frustrated.

Getting Help with Google Spreadsheets

If you need a tutorial, go to the Virginia Tech login for, and then watch the section on Working with spreadsheets. You are only entering text in your spreadsheets, so you don’t need to worry about making calculations or using functions and formulas. If you run into trouble, post a question in the Questions about Project 2 topic in the forums or email me directly.


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